Like Attracts Like
It eludes me as to when was the last time I had the chance to just sit back, take a forced breath and exhale a calm, liberating one in return, and jot down some random thoughts that cramp the mind at times. Sometimes, I wish I could turn back the hands of time. But, I know I'll just be fine. It's just wishful thinking, very human of me. Now to the the thought of interest: why is it that you tend to be drawn, with a curious conviction, towards people you think are similar to you. Similar, in age, mindset, attitude, maybe even gender and background. You don't discriminate, that's not the point. Not at all, atleast that's what you'll know. People ofcourse will jump the wagon when it's pointed out. It just happens. Some things are just harder to present in words. I say it's okay. You feel you can relate, you see yourself in them.