Friday, May 26, 2006


Kuwait has been majorly influenced over the past century. I noticed that after seeing "9ale7 le7rabi" play on KTV, over lunchtime. He really knows how to sing, unlike the weird arabic songs these days.
The time at which he performed must've been late 60's early 70's, and they all seemed more modern than events that come out these days. I think Kuwait was influenced by Iran and Saudi Arabia. Either way, the population here is getting it's share of ridiculously ignorant and sick people; or has it always been like this? I think it's mainly over the past 10yrs? Who knows.


Blogger Hazolat said...

LoL! Ana 3adaitik ithahir, you sound like a pessimist now :-)
I think that nothing is what it used to be, not only in Kuwait, but globally also, the world is getting more complex and so are people.

Sunday, May 28, 2006 11:18:00 AM  
Blogger Safi said...

Nope all not true. I'm never a pessimist; far beyond from the truth.

Sunday, May 28, 2006 7:45:00 PM  
Blogger Hazolat said...

Safi Safi .. where are you?

Chan Gilt Bitgheeb Shway, a little worried here :-)

Hope you're doing well tho :-)

Thursday, June 15, 2006 12:22:00 PM  
Blogger Safi said...

Halla oo '3allah, ahlan wa sahlan.
That's sweet. Say you miss me, and stop making excuses. :P

I didn't plan on taking a hiatus, just happened I guess.
I'm doing great, shokran. After all it is summer plus the WORLD CUP 2006 is put inspiration and new feelings into the world.
Hope you're doing well too, thanks.

And as a matter of point, I'm busy with other academic sortings.

Elmohem... this is why MAN, invented something called MSN messenger.

Youmon sa3eed insha'Allah. :)

Sunday, June 18, 2006 12:38:00 PM  

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