Yet another day

Somedays you just wake up and feel like playing soccer. Today was the day. It's beautiful to wake up early in the morning not feeling tired, and without the fragile composure you usually wake up with; being prone to easy irritation perhaps. Today is the day.
It could be because my missing of my AS physics practical end of year examination"concern" (not really) is diminished by the fact Arsenal vs Barcelona is on tonight. Yeah, that's enough.
However, tomorrow is Thursday a weekend of course- and guess what? I got 2 exams tomorrow. No promblemo.
I think I just have to live through this end of year exam wave. It feels so different than what I know.
Anyway... THIERRY HENRY ROCKS YOUR SOCKS! Live it up Arsenal.
Min Ghalab? I couldn't watch the game, something more important came up on TV, the series "charmed" :-P
Waaaaaih!! Tokfaa Laaaa2! Don't be like this. :P
Ok sure watch that laman makoo sho'3ol, bass when one of the GAMES OF THE YEAR are on. lol not everyone is a soccer fan.
And ironically, "charmed" is on now on mbc4. Bass e9ara7a kilish '9aye3 charmed instead of the game. Besides the episode was only 30mins, and not 1.5hrs.
Bleh. 7ada mo layeg. haha.
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