
Then comes a week since watching the movie, and I come across this article in alQabas newspaper.
All about how the movie portrayed Arabs in a bad way and Israelis better. It also mentioned that Spielberg worked with a Jewish crew which may have pulled him to being pro-Israeli. Funny thing is, that the writer of this article missed the fact that Spielberg is Jewish himself.
Sure the movie was one sided, come to think of it, but what is to be expected? Arabs don't do anything about it. Arabs are pretty weak these days, with few exceptions. Besides, Spielgberg lined up advisers with expected reason to root for Israel, they were Jewish. Rabbi Levi Meier, who helped convert Spielberg's actress wife to Judiasm. He also hired Pulitzer Prize–winning playwright Tony Kushner (Angels in America) to rework the original scripts, who is also Jewish.
Kushner's job was to make the Arabs more articulate and "maybe even" allow them to express their viewpoints — however distasteful — and to "try" to understand their motivations.
Now that's just hilarious, even in a movie it's hard for them to even attempt to give a hoot.
Yet then again why should they? I mean if an Arab crew were to get together and make a movie are they going to make the Israeli side look "good"?
Spielberg really got into this movie. To the point where he passed on the chance of directing "Memiors of Geisha", although he did get an executive-producer's credit. He's one heck of a Director I'd say. I haven't seen "Memoirs of Geisha", but I bet "Munich" would stomp all over it.
In spite of all the negative reviews against the movie, I say it's a kickass movie, and worth your time. And even if Spielberg was cowardly bowing to not upset Israelis and Jews too much he did a good job, even if he doesn't know it. The whole movie was building up to the last moment of ANTI-TERRORISM.
I just had to put out my opinion to overrule the stupid reviews and comments on the movie.
On another note, I do remember about a movie kind of like the Nemesis of "Munich", "Paradise Now". On Oscar night, they were both nominated for Oscars, but to avoid any awkwardness they were conveniently not selected as winners.
I'd like to watch that movie some time soon. "Paradise Now" got higher ratings than "Munich".
Spielberg's Folly! Yep.
Munich Overview
Paradise Now Overview
it was such a long movie but in the end i thought it was beautifully directed and you would never be unamazed at anything that occured....great director and actors though the movie itself and the topic wasnt really how things took place it was fictional but also nonfictional and all i enjoy watching it whether spielberg sided with whomever.:P
Didn't wath the movie, might watch it after your review tho :-P
You're right about the Jews, they've been playing their cards right and planning for a better Israel for over 20 years. Media control in the States, global public brainwash .. anyway they're reaping their efforts work now.
your battlefieldOk so it's biast, that's not gonna change the fact that it's an awesome movie, well made.
I know it's totally one sided, so I don't have any problem with it.
The movie was based on a book called "Vengence", so there. It's a mix of fiction and non fiction, to the desire of people who lean towards Jews.
hazo'The Jews have political power in the States and anywhere else.
Haven't watched it yet.. How was it? Worth watching?
"After the movie I thought to myself that I wouldn't mind watching it again."
"I say it's a kickass movie, and worth your time."
"On Oscar night, they were both nominated for Oscars"
Thankyou for reading. ;P
The jews didn't always have power. Quite the opposite, they had no power and were absolutely hated a long time ago in the States. But they built their power step by step and steadily. And now they're controlling the media and the united states.
Believe me I know America's history line.
You have to consider this, Jews were kicked out of Europe, and the British placed them in Palestine. Or so I've read. I don't know if that has a direct link to the Crusaders' movement.
Anyway Americans are a derived society from Britian. The story goes like this; criminals and outlaws and people that were put away by superiors were deported out into the sea and ended up on the soil of the States. And everything spurts from there. So you wouldn't be surprised since Britian aided them Jews, and Americans are a derived community from them British.
Ofcourse I'm talking in general. Since Americans have a whole lot-a multiculturing going on.
And yeah, Jews are masterminds with business, so they are financially powerful which opens all doors.
(Min ayam erasool (PBUH))
it was such a long movie but in the end i thought it was beautifully directed and you would never be unamazed at anything that occured....great director and actors though the movie itself and the topic wasnt really how things took place it was fictional but also nonfictional and all i enjoy watching it whether spielberg sided with whomever.:P
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