Friday, March 31, 2006


Father: I feel ashamed for your laziness in your studies, son. Remember Goerge Washington? How he was a successful floor mopper when he was your age?
Son: And I feel the same, father - everytime I remember that Goerge Washington was a President when he was your age.

A jew and a chinese co-pilot are set for flight. As they prepare for take off...
The Jew says: "Look, I just wanna make it clear, I don't like the Chinese, they bombed Pearl Harbour."
Chinese co-pilot: "That was Japanese, no CHINESE!"
Jew: "Who cares Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese all the same."
- Then came the brief silence -
Chinese co-pilot: "Let me tell you something. I don't like the Jews. They brought down the Titanic!"
Jew: "WHAT? That was an iceberg that sunk Titanic."
Chinese: "Yeah yeah! Iceberg, goldberg, speilgberg all the same!"

Give me a smile. =)


Blogger Hazolat said...

Thanks Safi! I absolutely love jokes, yours were good :)
A7la jokes ili bil msgaat .. man I live for those jokes!

happy April fools, haa min gasait 3alaih ilyoum? You're at that age where mashallah tbad3oon bhal majal.

Saturday, April 01, 2006 12:22:00 PM  
Blogger Safi said...

Anytime bruthah.
You mean the msgs on the calendar?

I'm tellin' ya, seriously, I've been socially isolated or sick if you wish, like I said; due to my studies, I know dumb excuse but iono.

I can't believe nobody actually had a AprilFools' prank played out, bugger. ;p
Allaaah Kareem.

Saturday, April 01, 2006 10:35:00 PM  

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