Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The randomness in me

Random facts:

- Whenever someone calls and it's a wrong number I say "E'nimra '3ala6"
- I get lonely quick these days, since some friends are distancing and I'm busy with studies
- I'm studying hard for exams at the time being
- I'm socially sick at the current time
- I love soccer

Random questions:

- Why did Tom Hanks in "The Terminal" NOT hook up with Catherine HOT Zeta Jones?
- Why is Kuwait getting [edited]:"unpleasant" in some respects? (rhetorical)
- Why school, why money, why inequality, why the selfishness? (old childish question)
- How come the KTVs go extremely dull from time to time?
- Why am I doing this anyway?

~Until next time,
This is Safi,


Blogger Your Battlefield said...

i personally loved the movie The Terminal, watched it twice in fact, though i too did not understand why they didnt get together in the end, totally not one of the hollywood endings i say. i am guessing that no one beholds the answers to your to "unchildish questions" they are rather what we all seek to know and not childish at all,:P why is it that only during ramadan does KTV become worth the watch, the other 11 months are dull and boring..:P i guess ur doing this because its a nice way to express yourself, and just say whats on your mind > :) thats why i blog :P

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:34:00 PM  
Blogger Safi said...

your battlefield,
thank you for stopping by. I know, they're expressional questions.
Welcome again.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:58:00 PM  
Blogger Hazolat said...

LoL 3ajeebah Ta3leeqatik :)

موفق بالامتحانات ، يا زين الدراسه ولهت عليها .. يم الشغل الدراسه نعيم

على فكره كاثرين ما حبت توم ليش كان جيكر بهالفيلم

Saturday, April 01, 2006 12:29:00 PM  
Blogger Safi said...

hazolat, allaah yesalmek!

Wallaah bel3aks, Tommy Hanks was a hopeless romantic if you wish, but a foreigner at that so... yeah.
I mean he did impressive things, like that dinner, and the Joesaphine gift; haa? :P

Saturday, April 01, 2006 10:38:00 PM  

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