2 things: -
-El7amdillah, Arsenal are going to grace us with pleasure
of watching them every 3 days starting from the 29th of Nov' until January.
How jolly happy am I.
-What can one buy from Dubai? Any suggestions?
(Answer by 1st Dec' the very latest please!)
Thank you
really? every 3 days?
i didnt notice that, even though i got this huge arsenal calender on the wall...lemme check...well its more like 4 :P (some times, but 3 most of the time)....perfect timing! just when finals are around the corner!
oh from dubai?
get an apartment!
sell it in a few years :P
seriously..it depends, i mean i u need anything, then check it out there, espcially electronics (not so much with phones, unless they just just came out), otherwise khalik ma3a aramex oo order it online :)
enjoy dubai!
I know the 3 days cycle starts 'Decembere' ;p technically. And you have to count the CL, technically. And Fabregas said they have a match every 3 days, so technically. YEAH.
Yeah bro got a football tornament there enshallah.
Every 3 days is a happy day fr me!! I love this team!!!!!
7ada a great picture dude..
i get the pics from match reports after the match
just use google news and go through some articles :)
arsenal lost in a couple of games (one of my roomies is a football maniac loll) i love sayin that: roomies...
heheheh lifes gd rite bout now!
Afa 3alaich.
Salamat to him.
Yeah, its just that I came across this more personal blog type site with great pics.
lol thats cool, you should go to an actual match since you're in the area. lol doubt you would. Good to hear, keep having fun.
Big loss on your part, but I guess you wouldn't know since you're not into it. And I would expect you like Serie A 'cause you're in Italy?
lol its all good.
Kura Kura .. Ma 3indik Ghair Kurat il Qadam? Malaina :-P
As for what to buy from Dubai, buy things you wouldn't normally get over here, Ya3ni il Sowalif il Yideeda ili Ma Nzalat Hnee.
But to me, the best thing about traveling isn't shopping, not in the least, it's all about taking walks and discovering the place, old and new .. the people .. that kind of thing.
So what would be a good idea is simply a lotta photos on your visit to remind you of the place :-)
Wain wain... sha5bar elli fain?
lol the bunch of ya are useless, I thought someone would say something interesting.
Pics? Believe me I love taking them, its practically a hobby.
Oo football. 7adich, ma ar'9a.
Haha you gotta practise to preach.
Reminder:Get msn.
'til next time, TAKE CARE!~
Safi, where are you?.. you're missed!
Where have you been? YOU'RE MIsSEd!
Thanks for the good site.
- kuwait89.blogspot.com w
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Respects, your site is really excellently done
- www.blogger.com h
spaghetti alla carbonara
Safi .. 3indi msn too busy to get on though. Agool int al7een mo sirt 18? Change your status thingy :-P
7ada likewise. (surprised I'm on here- not supposed to be)
I'm busy now. More like swamped.
I'm not 18 yet.
Scary.... I wonder how it feels.
Gotta run.
It's your birthday!!!
Happy birthday my friend ;)
Believe me when I say, GIRL YOU ROCK.
Alf eshikir ;)
arsenal are out!!!! hahahaha!!!
Pssht. There's a whole story to it.
Nice keeping in touch, but that's not the way!
lol hope you doing well.
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